Occult Fan

Master no Self

Month: September, 2016

Cred Harrier

She rips open my chest

she cuts open my sternum

clavicle buckles under the muscle tension

her effect is to choke all the life out

savoring his final moments

killing him

killing hymn torsion on the higher level where the magic happens

Tarot: Types A et B

For some time I’ve been meaning to set this down for this is how it has come to be proven to me to be how it is.

In our Tarot tradition handed down from Visconti thru Marseilles thru the ‘great divide’ (great brewery!) between Crowley’s use of and AE Waite’s* use of the eight (VIII) and eleven (XI) cards has been distinguished across the landscape of commonality differences one finds.

Not so great is the confusion some have in their tradition of using wands as the wrong element in using it as aire, but that is true that if it works for their tradition just because it is not right in my tradition that does not make it untrue for them just for me and mine.

That said what I have come to find is that the proper way to use the numerology in tarot is not to switch the star and the emperor but rather to just observe the practice of setting the primary numerology of VIII to Justice/Adjustment and XI to Strength/Lust.

I use Waite names first in direct example abouve but numerologically I use Crowley first and indeed I find that this is the 8 = Justice / 11 = Strength to be the official Type A deck ordering.

That means Type B tarot decks are Strength = 8 / Justice = 11 makes a Type B. This is also seen in my personal collection of decks. While I have only two (II) Lenormand decks, I have eleven (Strength!) tarot decks.

Up until recently, not only my experience and channeling awarens me that Type A is 8 for Justice et but so too did the sheer popularity of using 8 for Justice et bourne out over my collection of what was prior to this Autumnal Equinox/My Birthday/Hobbit Day only nine decks but now is (suitably) eleven.

Let’s give a quick has to prove the point that before it was massively outnumbered to use the one Type A system but I happened to add two Type B decks to my collection at one time, still not equalling the amount which use A tarot Types.

Suffice to say without naming all the names, Crowley/Thoth decks, Sacred Rose Tarot, Wild Wood Tarot, Masonic Tarot, and Cosmic Tarot all use VIII as Justice and XI as Strength.

Three decks that use the Type B ordering are of course AE Waite (I use the Radiant edition), the Alice in Wonderland Tarot (which follows closely off of the former down to some strange details) and thirdly the Morgan-Greer is Type B in using Strength as VIII and Justice as XI. I’ll add a bonus I, a fourth, which is the Arthurian Tarot.

But bonus II, a sixth, is the Gareth Knight Tarot, my first real deck which I used to pray to Thoth before using is another reason why Type A is Justice as VIII and Strength as XI. So that’s just how it is! HaHA!


*(Rider/Smith’s as well)

You Do

I am the King of this Castle

of ivory and ebony and multifaceted megagems

of eternal Æthyer

and of orgasms and orgone and overocularorbitals

to feel her here

in this eternal youth

this forever spring

her lips usher forth bubbling brooks of tiny kisses that utterly cover me

my ÆthyerQueene

my fairy and real unicorn

my heart bursting blood pumping sexual flame

I am the King of the Castle

I am the Brahma of Her Love

Bleed of My Blood







Miller Foster

Nathan Lee Geoffrey Niles

Miller Foster


Miller Foster

Douglas Harry

Linda Lee

Miller Foster


Nathan Lee and Family

Roses Crosses SSkkuullss aanndd Bboonneess

What bears repeating is less real

than what spake once and was then


to the new age not new man nor womb man but








struggle to innerstand yet we get it completely



Support This Twin Peaks Tee-Shirt Campaign




eat at it good monketties