Occult Fan

Master no Self

Month: March, 2024

Global Control

The Glyph For Pluto (shame on you, Neil DeGrasse NoOne) –


Uses a Biden T? Coz the Trident was already taken by the previous new Plane T.

Bident and Planet are extremely similar in form, overall composition/structure.

All SIX SIX SIX people who ‘voted Pluto not a planet’ combine like a pathetic Voltron to form Vaati. DeGrasse is the butthole (not pictured).

In fact it was about 5% of ‘licensed professional astronomers’, and Lien had nuffin tadowithit besides being the public schill he is!

May he enjoy his karma. Nevermind the image of Pluto ripping Lien to pieces while he screams a solar flare!



Next Up:

It’s A Me! Nintendo’s Magical Secret Origins Of Their Twin Main Titular Heroes Big Names – Mario & Luigi Are From The Episode ”Eat At Mario’s” of the Universally-Acclaimed Classic Television Show Bewitched. SUPER MARIO’S SUPER ORIGINS SUPER REVEALED, Amuk!


Today is March 16, The Scarlet Letter was Published. Talk About Salem Witch Trials. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Rebukes the Plank [in yr eye]. As it were, forgiveness being one of Christ’s greatest teachings. More learning from the Piscean savior to LET THINGS GO.

Else one suffer the myxomatosis and seek to burn the witch. Jacques de Molay, Susannah Martin, Jonathan Harrington, MW Joseph Warren, Joan of Arc… you will find peace in our time. We will align in the Aquarian age to a new motive of forgiveness, your sacrifices will be honored and this world will be made whole in our time.

A digression from a further piece I shall be writing, but for now, this is totally sufficient. We will circle back around later. All connects to all but this is the main thrust. I fuckin’ figured out for the first time where Mario and Luigi gifted their namesake to Nintendo from.

Pretty fuckin’ cool, amirite?

Eat At Mario’s

He’s My Mother! I mean, He’s My Father My Brother My Uncle

Vito Scotti as Mario and Luigi unnamed actor (???) [Master Of Ceremonies] (Luigi = Venus)

And then he walked up to you with three zucchinis, his girlfriend, and some lsd, and introduced you to Alex Grey, whoupon hearing of The Holy Gift from Occult Fan proceeded to RECOGNIZE Nathan Lee and gave him the nickname ‘Imaginathan Lee’? And then during the later eclipse harmonic Occult Fan figured out the origin of Mario and Luigi were from Bewitched and Bewitched related to Mario and Mario had the DJ Shadow connexion and this brings us all the way back around to the DJ Shadow/Tool vibes which lead us back to Alex Grey… wait, what?

This was written by Roxette for Hocus Pocus which was released July 16, 1993. The July 16 date is important (Half Blood Prince was released Hocus Pocus Harry Potter book VI was what, 2005 on 7/16)…

The group En Vogue was chosen (likely to match the Madonna reference at the adult party) and so actually to this song’s credit it was moved to a project which might musically be far more satisfying to be a part of.

Tool’s Adam Jones was busy with a different heavy metal boner at this time. Motherfuckin’ T-REX! Bitch.

If he’s not my hero, I don’t know who is. https://planetradio.co.uk/planet-rock/news/rock-news/tool-adam-jones-jurassic-park/

Namaste, Brother Capricorn.

Mario and Luigi focused deeply on the Jurassic Park dinosaur aspect. See? 1993 when that other event…

So from Bewitched to Mario & Luigi with a song made for Hocus Pocus about an event that’s almost unreal… more on that another time.

Video Games = Magic (Artful Animism) Sub Rosa

This was playing in the store the three minutes I happened to go in there, so, I of course recorded it.

Everybody Walk The Dinosaur from Occult Fan on Vimeo.

This is what happens when you are smart and sexy. They just can’t keep their eyes of me. PAY ME.

Almost Unreal

Polymorphic Regiosaurus PurgeXXX

set fire to the triggers in my mind

I’m a living diamond shining in the currents of our own time

relax and let your own love light rise and shine

dance and breathe and love and be alive

everyone can wait all the conspiracies all the games

let your love light shine and rise

be forgiving be forgetiing move the fuck right on thank you the very fuck much now sir

and madam and we all breathe and rise to day

be the best you can or fuck off ok

basking in the currents of the mirrors surrounding me in our own time

tryptographic pyramid of rose cross light destroys the frauds

hey presto

love you all


Hocus Pocus… It’s Almost Unreal!




Turns out it was the lyrics to this song ~



Got ya!

Hocus Pocus!

Hermetic Neutrality, a Third Eye Optionality. Sexy!

American Ultra / Gold – AU – Almost Unreal…

As Above

So Below


Here’s how it is.

Let’s go.

Big ups to Arturia for their AT soundbanks ~

So Let’s say the 16 Tower and 17 Star are both reduced to when 9 or Hermit is ‘hidden’ (but like the owl, always there ? ? ?) – ahem – I’m just priming us to see the reducability of Sep / 9 16th and 17th to their tarot, but forget all that from here on in. Those two days relate to, in 1996, the releases of two of the most heavy-hitting and profoundly-impacting art pieces of the ‘last century’.

Tool’s second album – on their third a Pluto in Aries conjunct singer of Tool’s Sun in singer’s natal chart wrote lyrics about Salem native Nathaniel Hawthorn who changed his name – to avoid the gematric and karmic and blood magic connexions – that is to say… to ‘lift the curse’ so to speak – ah – what ‘curse’? The Tool lyrics speak of ‘letting go’ – forgiving yr ‘scarlet lettermen’ –

27° Aries (nice Venus to hypothetical ASC there) ~

On Bewitched an earlier episode has a man who is a descendent very much in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s position, and of course, an American Revolutionary War hero is mentioned in the same episode… Paul Revere style. Like Beastie Boys, anyways. No sleep ’til we finish this article. And it’s the middle of the day.


Like Gravity’s Rainbow being released the day before The Dark Side Of The Moon.

So here we have, as I’ve begun this at 2:53

I meant to make this straightforward so let’s get to the point.

Great American Eclipse!!!!!!!!

Also the Neutral Milk Hotel April 8th since the upcoming Great American Eclipse will be on April 8th and I’ve been learning this – here

Heh. 1992. Opiate was released this year. Heh.

OK so this is as straightforward as it gets around here. Wibbly. Wibbly.

The Swedish band ABBA is the most-famous, and Tool uses their Dancing Queen as some sort of neutrality ritual to close out their shows. I’m not interested in that at the moment. What I’m saying is that this is the second most, a two or twos.

Kinda like Mary Poppins and Bedknobs and Broomsticks…

Interlude – this song played as I finished this art-icle –

Who’s song ties all this together, by being written for one film, which the song has the film’s title in its lyrics… used for ANOTHER FILM, which turns out to be the year another Tool album came out and the year the world was further subliminally-programmed to accept the number on another 9 day with Fortitude and Justice, so, let’s get to the point, coz that is indeed a numbers matrix spell of its own – that of video games, that is, It’s A BEWITCHED EPISODE ALL THE WAY AROUND HEY MARIO!


And you’ve gotta remember this just came out… (for me, lol)

Super Mario Bros: The Morton Jankel Cut – I had just watched the og cut the night prior. There’s much deeper symbolism in this og and dc movie, but in the dc there’s a guy wearing a ‘apple/google pro’ headset, like Ready Player One style – what you gonna be Pro from Mike, huh? Monkey! Monkey! Why the hell are you fuckin’ around with that monkey fuckin’ mother fucker?!

Mike: Rose, please don’t call the government.

Rose: Call the government?! Bitch I ain’t tryin ta get neuralyzed!!

heh… This.

Yes, that’s right, this ties to Bewitched to Hocus Pocus to Mario (also linking to Bewitched, Mario/Luigi) – the keychain cryptograph I solved, as well, I’ll add that in here. Wild stuff from yr sexy Occult Fan. Narf! ;3

Super Mario indeed, confusion of the nuclear age indeed. What a beautiful world it will be!


Ok. So watch this.

1) Bewitched

2) Mario

3) Hocus Pocus

4) Roxette

5) Super Mario Bros Movie

6) DJ Shadow – Endtroducing… back art

7) back art flips to next vinyl Рnext day Р̠nima by Tool. Sings about being 11. I was 11 at this time.

8) Final Fantasy 8 has the concept which I will just share this song here and that will tie it all together… for now.

Oh SPEAKING OF WITCHES, DJ SHADOW – just released this like now basically – Joey and I were just talking about all of this and he’s like oh DJ Shadow just released his new visualizer and so I’m like – here –

Given that Molly has just spoken about Carrington Event, and the healing event on March 16th…

Father’s Side is https://freedomsway.org/place/jonathan-harrington-house/

Mother’s Side is Susannah Martin – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8HvJycsKzQ

Nothing’s Made Of Everything

Sit Back, Give Thanks, Breathe, Prana/Ph Flow Normal, Aging is Eternal, Speed Aligned With Highest Destiny, Tao Out Of Time – Senses Fully Souling


I’ve been getting a lot of work done lately. For me, it’s always a spiritual quest. Money is an exchange and it truly is to be exchanged in knowing value. Value, Emerson observes, is synonymous with the quite and quotient of your closest spheres in life and in living. Choose wisely.

For Steven (Recluse)

I’ve been working on my music theory for the fifth year in a row now, thank you to so many along the way, tonegym, for starters, along with Beato books (all of his courses, including the most-recent (Mar 3, 2024) Masterclass de los Arpeggios (Harp, prana, pray) I have all of them and learn from them) as well as 12Tone, The School Of Rock, and my singing teacher Gideon Clark.

Huge thanks to Hack Music Theory’s Ray and Kate Harmony especially right now for their outstanding insights and hidden wavelengths in to how the musical sausage magic beast is really made. Truly, grateful, excited!

I’ve also got to praise UltimateGuitar’s full online course selection – broad, beginner to master – specific (ie Christmas tabs) to broad (all the crowd-pleasers, even obscure genius tabs like Neutral Milk Hotel’s ‘April 8th’); I’ve benefitted from their courses and tabs and their expert interface online and mobile as well as the talented fan community makes it very worth your time and experience at and in. Massive.

Jazz at these quarters is the prerogative of the peace and wax – translation – it’s time for me to get to more singing practice coz that’s what it takes and I’m in love with what I do. It’s about time.

Leo Tolstoy, it is worth observing, reminds us that ‘many think of changing the world, but few think of changing themselves’.

I’ve been taking intermediate bass lessons, learning the instrument the right way, and piano lessons, basic classic and intermediate jazz, also guitar courses on jazz, that’s fun, he’s great, a lot of great teachers there, returning to Ultimate Guitar. Hack Music Theory and 12Tone, Gideon Clark and Beato are great all. Very, Very Grateful.

And Binah Compassionates.

Sleep ye well, or rise in fury and passion, or maybe do both at once, thrice greatly…

It’s been one year since American Ultra was released on the same day 50th The Dark Side Of The Moon. Like the Moon… I’m feeling very, very pregnant. It’s about time.

Love You All.

NLMF aka Dreamy Strange xoxo