Trip Hop Thus Far

by Occult Fan

A quote from E.A.S.E. on “Smoker’s Delight” to start us off right ~

My Autumn ’22 Jazz begat My Winter ’22/’23 Classical begat My Spring ’23 Prog Rock begat This Summer ’23 Trip Hop. I am using a few lists, like StefSoft’s Prog Rock, three lists in this case, overall, to form my three month intensive listening/learning list. Like DJ Shadow quotes via sample in the first album I’ve started / begun with – “I am the music that I’ve listened to”. “It just comes through me”. *

THAT’S WHY I AM DOING THIS. IT’S UP-LEVELING MY QUADRATIC DNA. IT’S MAKING ME A BETTER MUSICIAN. CAPSLOCK KEYBOARD CAT AWAYYYYYYYY! That is to say… you, Creative One, Certainly Comprehend. One year later… Saturn rewards those who do The Work. Great Music, Great Performance, Great Art … Takes Great Work. Grateful. Thank you to all who make this list, and my, eventual, ‘final list’ which covers ‘in retrospectus’ my entire Summer’s-worth of Trip Hop listening.

I began June 21, it is like five days later. This is my list thus far.

Throwing Massive Attack’s 2003 Sampler in there, I listened to that as well. Alright! Here’s to a Glorious Future, and to A Great Start.


DJ Shadow – “Endtroducing….”

Smoke City – “Flying Away”

Massive Attack – “Pieces”

DJ Krush – “Krush”

Alpha – “Come From Heaven”

Nightmares On Wax – “Smoker’s Delight”

Hooverphonic – “A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular”

Goldfrapp – “Felt Mountain”


David Holmes – “Let’s Get Killed”


Mono – “Formica Blues”

Portishead – “Dummy”