The Sun And Moon Are Friends [Nate The Great]

by Occult Fan



Here goes.

So, I guess I forgot this, or just really had no reason to care. Friends the tv show began on my tenth birthday.

Just finished listening to Porcupine Tree’s new clear vinyl album ‘Closure/Continuation’ which has seven main tracks, plus three ‘albumish’ tracks – just like Tool’s ‘Fear Inoculum’… but I’ve put on ‘Ebb Tide’ by Earl Grant now. Man, if you do not know these albums, especially the Earl Grant (which of course has that mockingbird intro to side II – more on THAT later) but Ebb Tide by Earl Grant if you do not know these albums, homies/homiettes.. git you sum.

Oh – Kay. Sew.

In this article, we briefly touch on Friends, the ‘show’, we touch on Astrology, my Life, American Ultra, and a few other media properties which tie in to this. More and more, day by day, we are seeing how the Ultramenstruum of Barbelith hath propagated and foretold (of) me. We tie it all back around to Lisa Kudrow. Coz seeing her with ‘Rueby Wood’… something started to connect, so here goes. Again… ‘foretold (of) me’.

Of. As in… Occult Fan. That’s me. From June 6th, 2006. Yip.

My birth is actually, as Nathan Lee (first name) Miller Foster (last name) [Nate Foster is my abbrev. vers.]; is on Hobbit Day in The Year Of Our Lord, Orwell, or 22 Sep, 1984.

…and it’s connecting like Stranger Things at ‘all levels’… even podcasting’s most beloved duggie!

Yip yip! Adam Courage Curry named his doogie Phoebe, I believe after said character from Friends.
The two main movies besides Friends, which was released around my 00° Libra Sun… looking at Lisa’s, Adam’s, My Charts…

As a bonus, I’ve discovered his Jupiter is friends with my North Node…
So, finding his Jupiter within a 3° orb of my North Node in Taurus is just… be ready.

So. From wikiwikiwoo:

That’s my birthday. My tenth birthday. Friends… went for ten seasons. My first day as a Mason, was Oct 10. That was 10 years to the day “In Rainbows” by Radiohead was released. More of that all later another time.

The man Phoebe marries in Friends… Mike played by Paul Rudd, who… was just last year named Sexiest Man Alive

Mike, played by this guy, born one day after Jhansi Dvorjak…

Paul and Lisa are Fire signs – Aries and Leo… Mars, and Sun.

Interestingly, Kudrow’s Sun is 4° from The Podfather’s Moon. I hope you’re paying attention.

Because we’re going to talk quite a bit about Leo Moons now.

So now we tie this in to one of the many characters they have me twinned with… Mike Howell.

Mike is the anti-hero stoner cia assassin from 2015’s American Ultra.

Let’s look at American Ultra’s chart here:

3:33 is a fine time to choose – needless to say, that’s the Sun at 28° Leo. Within moonshot of Regulus.

That’s the same Sun and Moon as The Great American Eclipse. I’ve used a chart of where I was at – you’ll still see the 28° in Leo no matter what.

Huh. Black Moon Lilith and Saturn are conjunct my Mars at 21° Spazittarius. Otay…

Also I just realized Lateralus which becomes The Holy Gift was released two years to the day of the May 15, 2003 eclipse when I was graduating HS on my nodal return in the first place. Crikey! I’d say we’ve found the Master Grid, eh now Watson?

Ok! So you know the very well-publicized GAE is 28° Leo, and you know that now for all time. Which is not as long as one might think. So!

The Sun is 28° for the release day of American Ultra. Which brings us to Kudrow and Friends how?


Phoebe, his Handler Girlfriend.

The two anti-hero lovers in American Ultra are named after Mike and Phoebe from Friends.

Phoebe, which is Mike’s handler, in American Ultra, released with the Sun in Leo, on my Moon in Leo.

Just like Lateralus was released two years before the eclipse to the day in a fixed sign, as was American Ultra.






Let’s have TWO TWINS, shall we? 2 2’s, as it were.

One more.

‘They’ have me twinned…

WHO is They???

oh? scusia! uno milliono pardonsos!



As Miguel informed me on March 11 (33…) that I’d be giving the final performance… uh… that is… presentation in Cancun on March 21 (ask Tom Waits in Swordfishtrombones) – the mid-point ‘tween my talk that I gave in Moon hour on Moon day (this very post is created/posted in Jupiter hour on Jupiter day)…

Another movie is released, this time…

So. Ok. So. [My writing teachers are all committing suicide out of honor, samurai style, so, it’s cool]…


So. Ok. So… listen! Hey! Listen!

This is the chart for the release of that, March 15, 2022. (hold yr seahorses, coz like Molly McCord knows) – Neptune has the very best Inns and B&B’s!

One should know that I am more than one year in to singing lessons. Of course I’ve been working on perfecting ‘Stand Out’ from A Goofy Movie…

Goofy as Fool, Max as Magician

Speaking of Miguel, I write you all here from the eve of the final episodes being released of Stranger Things 4.

Max. Max. Max!!!

So. Miguel tasks me with giving a talk, March 15 rolls around (won’t even talk about the 4 grave stones which are my four Pisces family and how this connects to a woman who is the wife of one of The Three Libras of The Enchanted Fox which is on the Acadian Leyline upon which I grew up and now currently live… yes, March 15…); So I write ye all from the eve of the final eps of ST4 and Secret Sun’s CLK’s bday, as well, to give a shout out to a fellow Boston Brahmin, and to Dark Journalist… much love; So:

Not only is the North Node within that degree of Adam’s Jupiter, and within the 5° of my North Node…

Better Nate Than Ever is written by Tim Federle – who has the same birthday as my singing teacher. Of course. Nearly Sun opposite my Sun. Mhm. So.

This brings us all back to how that 28° (the Moon above is but an hour from moving to 28°, so dig it)…

This brings us all back to our two twins of Mike Howell and whatever Nate ‘Rueby’ plays. Rue produces a particular medical thang, and in the OG Hippocratic Oath, as read in full on No Agenda, we know what that is all about.

And Mercury I have in Virgo two degrees from the ASC… and oh right. The Nate ‘Rueby’ plays is my name. Duh.

So I’ve put on ‘Existential Reckoning’ by Puscifer. Cognisant and Mindful, Pay Attention Now. [Alien Purple Live At Arcosanti Oct 30, 2020 version – wearing Secret Sun shirt today, for its blue, and wore my Puscifer tee which came with that vinyl just yesterday now] ~

There’s of course so much more, but this really is an excellent distillation of these Leo Moons, Nate Fosters, and general connexions to what is coming next.

My becoming a well-known and highly-respicted artist in the form of Rock Star Singer. Also author of a Holy Book. Freedom Deep featuring Goya’s Child… that’s for another day.

So this all comes back to Lisa Kudrow and my realizing her being the inspiration in her form of Phoebe for the name of Adam Curry’s doogie.

WTF, WTC? Why So Sirius?

Moon literally just ingressed in to Leo as I began to write this [20:40] and then hit publish [21:59] here in Boston.

Here I am

yr sexy author at time of publishing ~
69, dudes!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is HIGH EPIC MAGICK.




This is a VFV article. If you have had fun reading this, learned something, or just want to stick it to the man, donate over at and Gloria In Excelsis Deo! ^^