šŸ Since I Been Left You šŸ

by Occult Fan

šŸ Yeah! It’s October! šŸ


My Morning Listening ~ Autumn, 2023 ~ šŸ

Ninth, to make the mark!

A day I note every year, ten and nine making a 19 – the Sun in tarot trumps –

My first day as an EA Mason was Ten Ten, Seventeen, so Ten Nine is the evening I took my degree.

That said, it’s still the ongoing flux from my trip hop summer now to jazz autumn, again. Wouldn’t you know it that my choice for this year (both a FM Brother and Jazz Royalty) happened to have his Sun precisely on my Moon, oh Sol Oh Mon?

Born on American Ultra Day! Of course… https://occultfan.wordpress.com/2022/06/30/the-sun-and-moon-are-friends-nate-the-great/

That’s right, I’m talking about Count Basie, Leo Sun, full of fun! Ah-ming-mazing. So Good!

And I’ve been reading! With Count Basie albums every day, and my two other of three Libras had having their birthdays this week, both born one year, two days apart, or something like that, one has a ten-four, the other a (Mad Hatter’s) ten-six birthday – I visited them both at The Fox that day, those days.

Both were given cards with little fold-out psychedelic foxies. Lovely days… last week, around that time, it had to be ten-six, I listened to the second of Basie’s Beatles records.

One on ten-four, the 1966 one, and the latter, a day later after ten-five, on the other birthday that week, so two Basie’s Beatles to mark the occasions… and wouldn’t you know…

As our Invisibles/Grant Morrison/Infinite Jest/Witches (Manga) reading group is wrapping up the Manga Joey got me for Christmas, which was supposed to be about my ancestor, allegedly, but turned into being part of the Marlboro Outbreak.

As it is, here we are now. Entertain us.

So listen, I have to get to my singing review. Delving, deep delving in to Alice, by Tom Waits.

Figure that’s one I can really carry on stage. Launch, even. Mystify, oh Eros ~

So our reading group is moving from Witches to Pynchon. Gravity’s Rainbow is next, followed by Murakami’s IQ84 – Joey has started some Pynchon of his own, whilst I’ve begun some Murakami.

Could this be the behavior of best friends?

And I’m reading Norwegian Wood.

And I began it listening to Norwegian Wood.

And it turns out to be the version in the book.

So anyways, I’ve been going to lots of Lodge and watching lots of Film.

The number sequence 776 seems significant.

I watched Dark Crystal, The Cabin In The Woods, Arrival, Dude Where’s My Car?, and Twin Peaks – Fire: Walk With Me.

Those are a few I’ve watched lately. Some Bewitched episodes, the Legend Of Zelda animated series, which is actually good. Fans of Samurai Jack would definitely get some enjoyment out of that.

Also been watching The Lone Gunmen again. This stuff is lyrics fodder for me. Love it… March 2001, Pilot.

Both series, Zelda, TLG are 13 episodes each.

OK, well, that’s about it for now. I’ve got some Alice lyrics to really understand. The second to last and last verse contain some interesting lyrical interplay, a sort of ‘ocean gravity’ amongst his vocal grit.

Love him.

Tom Waits feels as influential to me in these times as both the recent Beth Gibbons vis a vis Live at Roseland NYC – https://occultfan.wordpress.com/2023/09/16/trip-hop-summer/

What I want to get across is that watching Count Basie with the Maharaja himself, Oscar Peterson.

Also a Leo.

Just watch!



I need you to understand how life-altering both Portishead and Count Basie have been for me. These are monumental in my ‘new musical awareness’.

On the Aries Full Moon, as my dear friend SJ Anderson will tell you is highly integral to my music foshogies, muh homies ~

On the AFM I had this ‘massive influx’ of a download. I basically learned how to piano.

I even learned the difference in transposing from piano to guitar, which many would call, after vocals, my primary instrument.

I play bass, guitar, piano, ukulele, and I sing!

To name a few… So anywho. Portishead and Basie. My Peanutbutter.


Editorial Addition:

Yesterday, well, today is not the day I wrote this – but for the day I wrote this’ yesterday, I recapitulated the seasons in music, beginning with the ‘what started it all’ and also ‘in this post’ (the Basie/Peterson);

Here’s the four seasons in music – you could listen to these four albums and have a ‘full experience’ of Music.
